Friday, 31 July 2015

Tiny Backyard Gardening

I don't have much of a backyard. Actually I have NO backyard, just some concrete slabs and a patio set.

Three-ish years ago my husband built me a little garden box out of shed shingles and random pieces of wood scavenged from my parents house. It's full of holes and kinda shallow but it's done it's job.

I usually grow my basil in it but one year I was able to grow sunflowers. I was pretty proud of that.

This year, not having the time available to tend a flower garden, I decided to just grow herbs. Basil, mostly, as I LOVE basil pesto, rosemary, chives and mint.

Here is my little garden end of May when I planted it.

 My dad told me this was a milkweed. Apparently they are excellent at attracting monarch butterflies! So I'm keeping it right where it is.

Annnnd here is my garden now.

Everything is growing really well. I also picked up some oregano and thyme to add to my collection. I don't know what I would do without fresh herbs available all summer!

--Siobhan xoxo

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

A birthday party for the D and Bapa

Last Saturday we had an excellent little get together for Daphne's first birthday and for my dad's 65th birthday. Lots of friends, food, laughs and cake!

Thanks to everyone who came. My little lady was super spoiled and exhausted by the end of it all!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Happy First Birthday, honeybear!

I can't believe it's been one whole year!!

It all started at 10am on July 24, 2014 at the Queensway Carleton Hospital - waiting to meet you :)

Born at 1:14pm that same day...what an awesome/exciting/drooly year it was! Seven pounds five ounce of sass. 

All the exciting things we've gotten to experience this year have been nothing short of amazing! Crawling, babbling, eating, cruising, assaulting the cats. I wouldn't change it for anything...well maybe a few extra hours of sleep. 


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Alberta Kiddos

Really is it only 2 and a bit weeks???
Why does it take so long for something we look forward to so much to come?
And then POOF it has come and gone.
The kiddos are such fun and so smart ....
No really I know your grand children are smart and all but mine ... well ... they are exceptionally so.... :-)

A lot and I mean a lot of Duplo.
They both love to build with the stuff.

Of course there was the compulsory Play do and colouring.

Puzzle putting together was very high on the list too.

And ya know after a hard day of Duplo a beer is all a girl needs  LOL


A day trip to the Royal Tyrell Museum in Calgary.
Wow ..... If you ever get to Calgary GO!!!!!
The kids were fascinated by all the fossils and bones and asked lots of questions.

Well maybe there was one little meltdown......

But a silly hat made things better

Yes I did LOTS of this......

We stopped at a water park on the way home.  It was so hot Holly and I got in too. We hiked our dresses up to our knees. when the kids saw this I guess they thought this is how we do it so they hiked their shorts up.
 Adorable right?

Of course there was pizza makin with Bapa .  Now Bapa really enjoys this pizza time it is difficult to get the dough just right. So he let them make "their dough" while he made THE dough... What a smart Bapa .....


Cuz nuthin tastes better than your own pizza.

End of PART one

Coming soon.....

A Pirate birthday party

A trip to the Zoo


Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Oatmeal and Banana Breakfast Bars

I found this recipe online for a really easy no bake breakfast bar and in my house the faster a recipe takes the better. This one took about 4 minutes of prep time and 40 minutes in the freezer.

(This is Shelley googling recipes...)

For this batch I used approx. 1.5 cups quick oats, .5 cup peanut butter, 2 ripe bananas, 2 pinches of flour and chocolate chips. Blended in the stand mixer and pressed into a lasagna pan. 

I froze it in the pan until it was solid enough to cut and then stored them in the fridge. I enjoyed how quick and easy they were. 

It was agreed that they should have a little more peanut butter in them. They would also taste great with nuts or dried fruits. I think I will have some fun experimenting with the recipe...and I'm sure my husband wont have any issues "testing" my creations.


Friday, 17 July 2015

A Few Things that made me Smile This Week

Wine on the patio.   Supper on the deck with my Sweety.    Daylilies.
Knitting Emoticons.   Sparty in a tutu.    A new deck colour.
Silly faces.   Picking backyard raspberries.   New front door dec.
what made you smile this week?
ciao for now