It was another hot one but there was less work to do today. Hubz and my dad went out in the morning to get soil and manure. Once the soil was all evened out and the new stuff mixed in I was able to start planting...but not before I decided suddenly I wanted a path.
I managed to get everything planted and a good solid water by 3:00pm. My parents headed home to do...parent stuff? hahahah
So Daphne had a snack and we decided it was time to go inside for a relax and a cool down before dinner. Had an excellent day. Managed to plant sunflowers, nasturtiums, squash, zucchini, carrots, beans, pumpkin, basil and lots of tomatoes! My mother-in-law gave me some flower seeds as well so they are mixed around with the veggies and herbs. I can't wait for all those to start blooming!
Looks like a few pesto feeds in your future....