Thursday, 30 June 2016

Fencing us in...

I was planning on documenting the whole fence building process...but in the interest of full disclosure I'll tell you that my mom and I left to go shopping while they were setting the posts. But we got a couple of outfits for D, a much needed hat and a gingham romper for Canada Day. So we all had a successful day!

First day was done!

Posts were set and my dad came back the next day to put the cement in. It was too hot and muggy to finish that the same day.

Of course Daphne entertained herself in the sprinkler!

We filled the holes in after the cement set over night and the next weekend my dad and hubz finished the fence!

I am more than excited to finally have this finished. Daphne is so curious (and fast) it will be nice to be able to turn around to do some gardening and KNOW she is at least in the yard somewhere when I turn back around!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Culinary Tour of Arnprior, Ontario

I have had this idea since we moved to Arnprior and now that the weather is nice again and it’s easy to get out and explore I think I will finally do it! I’m going to do a little eating tour of Arnprior. I have a list of a few places that have been recommended to me and a couple I have seen while walking around town.

My goal is to try each of these places before the end of summer so I can do a little post about each one.

The places I’ll be trying are:
Krave Bistro
The Press Café
Danny Mac’s Pub and Eatery
Bonnie Janes
and Wes’. 

Wes’ is a chip stand but people keep telling me it’s the BEST in Renfrew county/Ontario/Canada so I feel obligated to try it…especially since it’s right around the corner from my house.

Some we will try for dinner and some for lunch. Really depends on the day and the Daphne :P I’m guessing a few meals will be takeout as my anxiety gets the better of me in busy restaurants sometimes. To be honest, I'm more interested in the quality of the food then the atmosphere anyway.

First post will be coming JULY 5th. Stay tuned.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Our first feed of homemade pesto!!!!! yum!

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Medetteranean Quinoa WAFFLES

Remember about a month ago I did THIS POST about making quinoa burgers. They were really good. Well I tried them again but this time I made them in the waffle maker!

Medetteranean Quinoa Waffles!!!!

Not pictured: a lightly seasoned arugula salad on top.

Monday, 20 June 2016

It's the first day of summer!

Finally! Although we've already had some pretty hot days.

Hot as hell here, and a very good chance of thunderstorms all afternoon. I'm going to be getting good use out of the ac today!

Hope your all enjoying the day!

Friday, 17 June 2016

It's Eat Your Vegetables Day!

So get out there in your garden, grocery store or farmers market and get yourself some veggies!!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Breakfast Smoothie

For the last few months I've been making a smoothie for breakfast almost everyday. It's an easy way to get lots of fruit and veg into me in the morning and Daphne will even share a few gulps. Without this smoothie spinach would never get near her face.

My typical smoothie consists of: pineapple, peach, strawberry, banana, spinach, carrot, chia seeds, honey and cinnamon.

With about half a cup of homemade yogurt and then enough water to make it blendable. Super yummy, and healthy.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

#parenting #safetyfirst

 Just a funny picture I found from one of our girls weekends. Gotta protect the wine and the ribs.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

DIY Felt Rosette Wreath

I have this moral dilemma purchasing wreaths. They are all like $50 and never exactly what I want. So what ends up happening is I don't buy one and I don't make one and I have to rely on my mother/mother-in-law to coincidentally gift me one.

Not this year, my friends. This year I found a DIY wreath to make and oh how I'm going to make it. Only cost me about $18 for the felt and pool noodle. You also need crazy glue/a hot glue gun and duct tape. So overall it was about half the price of a store bought about 6 hours of labour.

Start by cutting the pool noodle to your desired size and then tape it aggressively into a circle. You can also get an actual wreath base but I was trying to do this as cheaply as possible.

I had to cut all my felt into these squares but you can probably purchase felt already in an appropriate size. Approximately 4in by 4in.

Then all of the squares need to be cut into circles.

And then into a spiral leaving a hole at the centre.

Once that is done (4 hours and a sore hand later) all you have to do is roll from the outside in and it creates these adorable rosettes.

Two hours later you are surrounded by rosettes. I love the colours. I initially wanted to do white, lavender and purple but alas Walmart only had these colous. I actually really like how bright and cheerful it is all multicoloured.

I may have needed a mimosa or two to get through this project but it was so much fun.

Once all your millions of rosettes are done (I needed somewhere between 130 and 150) you can hot glue them to the noodle in any design or pattern you want. 

Learn from my error moment: I hot glued straight onto the pool noodle.....which obviously melted the plastic immediately. Next time I will wrap the whole thing in duct tape to avoid that. I managed to make it work by applying the hot glue to the rosettes and then waiting a few seconds to let the glue cool a bit before putting it on.

The finished product! I love it! 

I filled in any small areas that you could see the pool noodle with a little piece of felt that matched a nearby rosette. 

Overall it was really easy, took a really long time but it was not complicated AT ALL. I managed to commision Will to do a bunch of the rosette rolling so that sped things up a little.

 It would be cool to do a black and orange one at Halloween. Maybe with some spiders or eyeballs on it. Red, green and white for Christmas with sparkles and bells. I've seen a couple other techniques to make different looking felt flowers and if I try that out I'll let you guys know!