Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Vanity and Spring Cleaning

Had an excellent last weekend ...even though it's still pretty chilly out. Sorry it took so long to post this, I'm busy jeeeeeze.

I hadn't started ANY spring cleaning at all so I took the opportunity to do some. Although my mother considers spring cleaning to be wiping down the walls and scrubbing the baseboard...we rent...and they treat us like I intend to leave a greasy fingerprint covered wall art for them when we leave.

I consider cleaning out my closets and drawers to be my spring cleaning. Out with the old in with the new, right? So I also bought some new clothes with the birthday money I got from my parents. I guess it's about time to accept that this ol' body of mine will never go back to it's pre-baby stretchmark-less glory days and get some clothes that fit!

Shelley loves cleaning days. All the cats do. Any chance to get into the bedroom, which is normally locked because a certain someone likes to take dumps in the closet 

*cough* MacG *cough*

Daphne also seemed to enjoy the hustle and bustle in the bedroom. The reason I started cleaning this weekend is because we decided to move our bedroom around a little. After three years the set up was getting a bit stale. Alllsoooo...I finally got my vanity!!! Will has wanted to buy me this vanity for 2 years but it's never worked out. He's always wanted to buy it for my birthday but birthday month is always car registration month. Which means $$$ to the gov't every March. But this year everything worked out!

Took him two days to built it...because......

The mirror came broken. UGH! After 3 calls that weekend to the incompetent idiots Rogers calls customer service reps I was in NO MOOD to call IKEA about this. Thankfully Will called them up and they said it was no problem. Took about 15 minutes at the store and they gave us a brand new mirror...frame included. Which is great cause I now have the spare frame to use somewhere else. I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but stay tuned...eventually I will find a way to use it!

And there is it all finished! It fits perfectly in the bedroom. I am planning to go to the dollar store and get some containers/vases/pots/glasses to hold and organize my makeup. I also need to get a garbage can and a magnifying mirror. I'm quite excited about it and so is Will. He told me he is sick of watching me do my makeup on the floor har har...maybe I was in his way.

I would call that a successful weekend. I didn't even mention the beautiful diamond studs he also go me for my birthday. Exactly what I wanted. What a nice guy, eh. I think I'll keep him.



  1. Excellent!
    I have the same from Ikea..but mine is a dresser!
    I love the style....
    Your quick dinners look fabulous!
    Keep up the cleaning and organizing!
    Linda :o)

  2. Oh, very pretty. I always loved a vanity but no room for one in the mouse-house. I have IKEA cupboards and love them. Your mom will tell you I can clean this place in 10 minutes. haha! Enjoy your bday gifts and hugs for D.
